Menopause & sex

Are you paying attention to your sexual and intimate health?  It’s important!

Somewhere between 70-90% of those who go through menopause will have vaginal or bladder symptoms. Collectively these are known as the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause or GSM. It may not be a phrase that roles off the tongue about it’s one you need to know about!

A ‘bit of vaginal dryness’ may not sound like much, but it can affect your quality of life significantly.

If you can’t have sex because it’s too painful your relationship with your partner may be affected.

If your external genitalia is itching and burning you may not be able to sit comfortably, walk properly or exercise.

And if you’re having constant bladder infections, bacterial vaginosis or are scared to exercise or leave the house because you might pee yourself – your no longer living your best life.

These symptoms are very common – so don’t think that you’re alone, but just because they’re ‘common’ doesn’t mean they’re ‘normal’ and the good news is there is a lot that can help.

You don’t have to ‘put up’ with them. It doesn’t have to be ‘your lot in life.’

So, take a look at the articles we’re got here and learn about what could work for you.

Also, if you have a spare moment, please take the time to fill in our intimate health questionnaire below. We aren’t collecting any personal details that will identify you but your answers will help us get a better picture of women’s intimate health from pre to post menopause.

Thank you!

Vaginal health questionnaire:

1. How old are you?
2. Are you:
3. Which symptoms do you have and how severely do they affect you – 1. not applicable, 2. mildly, 3. Moderately, 4 severely: (Select all that apply)
4. Which local vaginal treatments do you use and how effective do you think it is (select all that are appropriate):

1. Mildly effective 2. Moderately effective 3. Very effective
5. Are you on systemic HRT/MHT?
6. Do you use a vaginal moisturiser?
8. How effective is it?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Gender Venus symbol made of beautiful flower petals on candy pink background, woman sign

Oils and lubes

Woman having Stomach pain. Ovarian and Cervical cancer, Cervix disorder, Endometriosis, Hysterectomy, Uterine fibroids, Reproductive system, menstruation, diarrhea and Pregnancy concept

Overactive bladder

Doctor or psychiatrist consulting and diagnostic examining stressful woman patient on obstetric - gynecological female illness, or mental health in medical clinic or hospital healthcare service center

Sexual dysfunction

woman with flower

Pelvic floor health

Dier a couple feet in bed. Love, Sex and partners.

Sex during menopause

Stethoscope on note book with Women's Health words as medical concept
